​Book Review: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist

​Personally, I don’t enjoy reading novels neither am I a book warm. I think in my School Days just to pass the times in library I use to read about the History of India.

“The Alchemist” a different and unusual name came into my life. My very close friend gifted this book to me, so I was bound to read and share the book review with her. But I am glad and thankful to her for giving me such an incredible book.

Little Description about the story:

This is the story of a shepherd boy who has dreams of traveling the world and discovering treasures in his life and who is courageous enough to walk in the direction of his desires to full fill all his dreams.  To challenge and to try his destiny he travels from Spain, through the markets of Tangiers, and into the great Egyptian desert. He gets cheated by the people, experienced the feeling of beautiful love, loses and makes money with the time, also learned a different language, met different people, faced pleasant and not-so-pleasant situations. Where he also got a privilege to meet a king, a desert woman and an alchemist, each adding to his life new turns and perceptions.

Paulo Coelho has written a beautiful story of a boy’s expedition. His journey is full of adventure and lessons. People who see dreams and walk towards it to full fill their imaginings they can certainly relate to it.

What I Liked:

I believe “Everybody on this planet has come for some reasons” which they eventually follow or complete knowingly or unknowingly.

Some books are teachers for us which teaches you a lesson for your life hence, The Alchemist is my new teacher. Paulo Coelho says “To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only real obligation and when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”. I am so mesmerized with the book and the way writer has narrated. If you have a strong visual power once can find him in the story. The book has an amazing description of the scenes which are full of feelings and emotions.

I am a big-time believer in destiny although sometimes I curse it as well but somewhere I believe there is always a bigger plan after our failures.

Happy Reading 🙂









​ कैसी होती है गुड़िय?

आसमान में तारो जैसी होती ह गुड़िया
समंदर में लेहरो जैसे होती है गुड़िया
और लोग पूछते है?  कैसी होती है गुड़िय?
मोमबत्ती की लौ जैसी होती है गुड़िया
गुलाब की पंखुरी जैसी होती है गुड़िया
और लोग पूछते है?  कैसी होती है गुड़िय?
सूरज की किरण जैसी होती है गुड़िया
आंधी की रफ़्तार  जैसी होती है गुड़िया
और लोग पूछते है?  कैसी होती है गुड़िय?
हर माँ बाप की जान होती  है गुड़िया
हर परिवार की शान होती होती है गुड़िया
और लोग पूछते है?  कैसी होती है गुड़िय?  कैसी होती है गुड़िय?
Written By: Image result for copyright symbol pngPriya Sharma


Image Courtesy: Saatchi Art.com


काश मैं उन लहरों  की तरह होती

जो लोगों को शांत रहना सीखा पाती!!

काश मैं उन सितारों की तरह होती

जो लोगों को चमकना सीखा पाती !!

काश मैं उन पहाड़ों की तरह होती

जो लोगों को अटल रहना सिखाती पाती !!

काश मैं उन ख्वाबों की तरह होती

जो लोगों को खुद पर विश्वास करना सीखा पाती  !!

काश मैं उन फूलों की तरह होती

जो लोगों को महकना सिखा पाती !!

काश मैं उन कश्तियों की तरह होती

जो लोगों को तूफ़ान में संभालना सीखा पाती !!

काश मैं उन परछाइयों की तरह होती

जो लोगों को साथ रहना सीखा पाती !!

काश मैं उन नदियों की तरह होती

जो लोगों को अपना रास्ता खुद बनाना सीखा पाती !!

Written By: Image result for copyright symbol pngPriya Sharma

Feminism & Male Chauvinism “A thought of superiority breaks the credibility of a person”



People don’t hate feminism they just don’t understand it. How can one define “feminism”? Is it a demand for gender equality or Rights for women? I believe the word “feminism or feminist” derives to showcase the difference between female & male. Comparing men with women is a big mistake because there is no comparison among both of them but, there is a definite difference between good and better when it comes to an individual.

I am not against feminism but I am not in favor of chauvinism. Men who have a thought they are superior to women, I am against them and similarly, women who have a thought that they are greater than men I am against them too.

To me the way I see things are different and have different aspects. A feminist should not carry a negative attitude for others. One should be verbal which could be debatable or should be opinion oriented so that no one can take them for granted.

Male chauvinism is an attitude which denies a woman’s capabilities and cannot accept them as a competitor. In work environment, I have seen Male chauvinist who always conveys insolence towards a coworker specifically on her gender which showcases a feeling of superiority.

We’ve been elevated to believe that movies are a reflection of the society that we live in. Their motivation comes from cultural practices, psychological framework and the likes and dislikes of the society. And that might just be true to a certain level.

I think we should stop comparing women with men because I believe women have shown great potential in the world as well as in their own community. So, I thought of mentioning of movies that show not only strong women characters but also how they shattered the orthodox belief of feminism.

  1. English Vinglish – Sridevi- The story of a middle-aged woman living in the darkness of her family who gets a chance to step out and do something for herself. This is when she learns English and shuts up every person who had ever distrusted her confidence in life.
  2. Chak De! India – The Entire Women’s Hockey Team- This was one of the first top Bollywood movies based on a sport, which was not cricket. It was also one of the first to be based on a team of players who were not men. This movie had a bunch of unstoppable girls pursuing their dreams. If there was one scene which broke gender stereotypes it was when the women’s team played against the men’s team and gave them a run for their money.
  3. Queen – Kangana Ranaut-I don’t have to tell you how incredible Kangana was in Queen and how wonderfully she changed from a fearful girl into a strong and independent woman, who ultimately spoke her heart out to the man who broke it in the first place.


Expressed By: Priya Sharma

“Silence is strength, not a weakness”

“Better than a thousand hollow words is a word that brings peace .” ~Buddha~ Source-Pinterest

Silence is a nonverbal language, which is more powerful than verbal language. One can express their thought & feelings with the facial expressions, gestures or with eye contact. There are times in life where silence deals with empathy and try to understand others. Also, sometimes we don’t have words to show our sympathy towards the person who is struggling with the sorrowful situation.

We are living in the society where we are constantly dealing & fighting with unwanted sounds and noises which follow us everywhere we go. From the early morning, we step out home till we come back, we come across a variety of awful noises.

It is probably possible to say that quiet people think and choose their words more wisely before blabbing. There are people who often feel that they are unable to communicate what they need to communicate.

Silent is an art of being a good listener. It gives us an opportunity to listen to others and more importantly ourselves. Also, I believe, Silence can be an obvious answer because it brings a sense of being firmly ingrained in ourselves of being actually who we are.

For E.g. Through a conversation, silence could be used as kind of courtesy and respect that would make the communication positive and successful.

Lack of quietness has intended is that people are no longer used to silence because for some people Silence means dumbness, some take silence as an ego or some might take it as natural gift but for me, Silence is my strength, not my weakness and there are reasons behind this

  • Silence makes me a good observer
  • Silence gets other’s attention
  • Sometimes Silence can be an apparent answer to the question  

“We need silence and calm to become our true personalities and to be really happy”

I am a silent person and I believe when a person is silent he/she could turn their thoughts positive and increase the power we need to refill our mind. 

Expressed by: Priya Sharma